There is a worldwide standard for testing the abrasion resistance of materials including printed materials. Abrasion resistance is very important. This will help determine if damage to an item can occur while shipping, storing, handling, and using printed material.
The ink rubber test will be able to test the product to determine its abrasion resistance. This test is becoming more popular as the demand for perfect products without anything messed up or missing is required. The ink rub tester can be used.
This test will determine if the materials that are printed on a specific item are durable. Companies look for durable materials so that they can ship and handle the materials without any damage coming to them.
This test is performed on several different items including labels, cartons, boxes, inserts, and other printed materials that include graphics and even plastic and foils.
There are several materials that can be used in this test to make sure they are high quality and no adjustments need to be made.This will allow things to come out looking better.
The test machines offer some different settings that can be customized as needed. A user can select the speed that the machine operates, the number of strokes that it takes, and the base place is heated.
There is a new magnetic clamping system that is used to help the machine operate easily and safely. This will make it safe to test a specific piece and will allow the operator to use it without a problem.
It is Plexiglas for protection and there is a safety interlock that will help prevent movement during the test. The test bed has a heated side and a side that is not heated. It is easy to switch between these two sides so that both hot and cold tests can be performed on these items.
This machine can be used to perform weight tests too. There is the light test where a soft rubber coating is used and the weight is 2 pounds and measures 100 X 50.5mm. There is a heavy test where the soft rubber is also used and this one measures up to 4 pounds and 100 X 50.5mm.
This test machine has two different test beds that can be used based on the needs of the items being measured. Test bed 1 is the standard bed that is used and this bed uses soft rubber. Test bed 2 is not standardized and there is no cover. This side of the test bed can heat up to 70 C.
There is an online aspect of this rub tester that can be downloaded. This will allow a person to keep track of the items that passed the tests and the ones that failed.
This will help a company make decisions that are based on data and specifications that can be used for future packaging. This will help make it easy to lookup an order that has been sent out as well. It is a great feature for quality and tracking purposes.
This machine can tell if a printed material will stand up to shipping, handling, and use. If there is a problem with the test there can be adjustments made to the material so that it can be durable.
If something fails this test it cannot be placed on the market. This test will help make sure that the ink packaging is high quality and will be durable during every phase of shipping.