Accidents at work and how to make a personal injury claim

If you’ve had an accident at work, then you may be eligible to make a personal injury claim. The definition of a personal injury includes any injury that an individual has suffered due to the negligence of another person or institution. If you have suffered an accident at work because of your employer’s negligence, you will fulfil the criteria. 

What is the personal injury claims process? 

There is a time limit on the personal injury claims process, so it is always best to act as soon as possible after you have suffered from your accident at work. In personal injury claims, you must make a claim within 3 years of the accident. 

In any workplace, there are certain laws that mean that your employer has a duty of care towards you. This means that anyone who enters the workplace has to be reasonably protected from any harm that may befall them. In order to achieve this aim, a number of things must be done. These things include: 

  • Giving all employees information about the risks that are in their workplace and how they are protected, in addition to instructing and providing training on how to avoid them. 
  • Consulting employees on health and safety issues. This consultation can be a direct one, or through a safety representative that is elected by the workforce or appointed by the trade union. 
  • Carrying out regular risk assessments that address all potential harm in the workplace. 

If, as an employee, you feel that you are being exposed to dangers in your working environment, then you must raise your concerns as soon as possible. 

If these concerns are ignored and you have an accident at work because of your employer’s inability to protect you, you have the right to make a claim against the owners of your workplace.   

What should I do after my accident? 

When putting together the evidence for personal injury claims, there are some things that a victim can do in the aftermath that will help their case overall. It is a good idea to: 

  • Make notes about the details of your accident as soon as possible 
  • Ask witnesses to make any notes about your accident 
  • Take photographs of the injury that you have suffered as a result of your accident 
  • Take photographs of whatever was the cause of your accident 
  • Take the details of any witnesses to your accident 

Your accident is legally required to be recorded in the workplace accident book, so it is important to make sure that this has happened. 

When you have suffered from an accident in the workplace, it is always important that you get the compensation that you deserve. Having an accident at work is an unfortunate circumstance that it is often difficult to recover from. It is helpful to know what your rights are, and how you can be legally supported through a compensation claim. The right solicitor will be able to help you construct the best possible case.