Text Marketing for Small Businesses

From sales and marketing to internal memos, text messaging is one of the most effective ways for contemporary small businesses to speak.

Most smartphone users have their devices in-hand ninety-three percent of their waking life. Ninety percent of the time, individuals read texts within 3 minutes of receiving them. No other communication technique competes. For example, Emailnphonelist’s Mobile Phone Numbers UK has a list of prospective customers in UK for you to start your text marketing campaign!

Once they agree to receive your texts, here are some ways that you’ll be able to use texting to reach out to leads, customers, and staff.

Send Sales and Marketing Info

One of the most well-liked uses for text messaging is SMS marketing. Complementary to the statistics, customers who receive texts have a better conversion rate than those that don’t, which means that folks who have interaction with you via text are more likely to spend cash on your product or services. Sending promotions to your contacts via SMS will turn them into leads and customers more effectively than any other communication strategies.

Fortunately, integrating SMS into your current marketing set up isn’t all that troublesome. Text messaging has to complement your current efforts to be effective—so it shouldn’t be your only technique of reaching out to prospects. Don’t rely only on texting to promote your events, deals, and campaigns—use a multi-channel approach to get the most effective results.

Keep in mind that a good marketing campaign is just as effective as the strategy behind it. So, if you choose to leverage the advantages of texting for sales and marketing, be sure that you have clearly outlined goals in place—this way, you’ll be able to measure the success and ROI of your campaigns.

Sending Automatic Appointment Reminders

Like systems which are used for ordering stuff, automated reminders can be fully-customized in your text message platform’s dashboard. People believe this is one of the best ways for service providers like electricians, massage therapists, plumbers, doctors, hairdressers, and even restaurants eager to reorganize their reservation method, to follow-up with individuals about appointments.

Set up your system to mechanically send text messages to your customers to inform them that you’re expecting them, and allow them to verify or let you know if they won’t be able to make it. You never need to pick up the phone. Plus, text messaging takes less time to reach customers and is more reliable than phone or email remainders.

Process Orders and Confirmations

When you allow the order process and confirmations via text, you open up a completely new technique for customers to buy your product and services. Text messaging commands are fully-customizable, thus you’ll be able to use everything from words to symbols to emoji as triggers for an automatic, easy-to-use ordering system. More choices for orders can produce additional sales for your company.

You may be wondering how this works; what are the logistics of the order process via SMS? Well, Domino’s pizza permits its customers to order via SMS using the pizza emoticon. So, there aren’t any rules to how inventive you can get with your text message order.

Tip: Integrate an online payment solution that enables users to order without sharing their debit or credit card info via SMS—this creates a secure processing site for your customers.

Force SMS for Internal Communication

You may already permit text messaging for internal communication at your small business. But, have you ever considered bulk messaging for memos and organization or department-wide updates? If not, think about how effective texting is compared to email.

The open rate for internal emails is barely sixty-six percent on desktop, and it’s twenty-one percent for mobile. If you’re still using email as your main method of staff communication, likely, those messages aren’t as economical as they should be. Texting provides a robust solution: send a text message that asks individuals to check their email or include a link to the memoranda. Keep privacy in mind and never send sensitive internal or client data via text.