Types Of Licenses And Permits To Open A Business

7 Permits and Licenses Your Business Needs (and How to Get Them)

The time has come to start your own business and dedicate yourself to what you have always wanted. For this, you must comply with local, state and federal regulations and thus, avoid problems later. These include obtaining permits for your industry.

What Is The Purpose Of Licenses And Permits?

Among the procedures for a business, one of the most important is to obtain the corresponding licenses and permits. Starting to operate without obtaining them carries a series of fines and penalties that are better to avoid.

Obtaining business licenses and permits takes time. You have to investigate which ones you need depending on the type of business you are going to open, where and the existing regulations. For example, if your purpose is to have a restaurant, you will need to obtain a license to sell food, a food advertising license (ฆอ, which is the term in Thai), among other requirements.

Types Of Licenses And Permits To Open A Business

  1. Commercial Licenses

To operate in any city, you will need a business license. This will depend on the type of company you are going to open. It must meet, among other requirements, the zoning requirements.

  1. Federal Licenses

When the company belongs to a federally regulated industry, you must obtain permission from the corresponding agency. The industries found in this classification are agriculture, aviation, alcoholic beverages, marine transport, transportation and logistics.

  1. Professional Licenses

These are the ones that guarantee the experience that a person has in a certain professional service. For example, those who work in nursing, medicine, veterinarians, hairdressers, among others, will need this requirement.

  1. Poster Permits

It refers to the posters and advertising permits that can be displayed. Each city has its regulations, so it is essential to review it before investing in advertising.

  1. Local Licenses

Certain professions require obtaining an exclusive license, for which they must take an exam. This applies, for example, for electricians, plumbers, contractors, among others.