How to promote your brand?

Band promotion is a tricky business. The music industry has gone under a lot of advancement and the way it works has changed completely, which is why promotional tips and tricks that were successful 4-5 years ago, are no good now. Earlier music enthusiasts used to take up albums and play them, but now they stick to online playlists and some of your songs won’t even reach the audience. The competition for bands is stiff in the music industry. There are a few things that still work for promotion of bands, those tips are as follows-

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  • Web Portals

There are a lot of websites that provide promotions to bands as well as other artistic professions. Websites like provide bands a chance to advertise on their website. You can share the history and the story of your band on the website and can even add photos and interact with fans.

  • Tours 

One of the most efficient ways to promote a newly formed band is to keep organizing tours across the country. This will make people familiar with your name and the type of music you offer. This is a great way to interact with live audiences and get noticed. Make sure your band participates in seasonal festivals in party capitals as a lot of people are present there.

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  • Personalize your posters

Fliers and posters of bands can have a huge impact on people. Make sure that your posters have a story to tell and a hint of personal touch should be present. Things like edited vector images of band members or a cool and trendy logo can be used on posters for maximum impact.

  • Use free platforms and social media 

One of the easiest ways of promotion of a band is to provide your music to as much free platforms as you can so that the maximum audience can be reached. Also, make sure that band and its members have a significant presence on social media.